Another world
26.02.2021 of Jerry, Niklas | radioCORE | Permalink

Another world: life in 1953; life in developing countries. From India to the Philippines, to Cameroon and then to Nigeria as development aid worker. But not enough of this experience, listen to the words of a Dutch woman, born in Indonisia, aged 80, who worked also 30 years as a mayor in Albrandswaard, Holland. „I would do it again. I had a rich life“. © Schuhfried
Music: The music was composed especially for this story by the award winning musicians Niklas Chroust and Tobias Antonic. A big thank you from radioCORE for this great composition which gives the words of the storyteller the special touch. Visit:
Picture: Lenny Miles on unsplash
Der Zyklus “Fünf kleine Momente” beschreibt fünf kleine, fast schon unbedeutende Szenen, die leicht in Vergessenheit geraten können. Der erste Moment beschreibt einen sehr schwachen Nieselregen über einer Stadt. Die Stimmung ist recht düster, doch hin und wieder scheint die Sonne durch. Geschrieben für Altsaxohpon und Klavier.
Interpreten: Niklas Chroust, Tobias Antonic
Ambiente , Storie di vita , Olanda , Holland , Life stories , Environment