
25.04.2023 di Djibril, Agnès | radioCORE | Permalink

Un uomo molto arrabbiato, ribelle, sempre trasgressivo e senza una guida, ci racconta di quella che chiama una fortuna nella disgrazia. Dopo gli arresti e le notti passate nelle sale d’attesa del policlinico, l’incontro con Binario 95 gli consente di avere di nuovo un tetto sulla testa. E un lavoro, supporto, calore. Una vita che prima non conosceva. ©Djibril

Musica: "Bel viso" di ©Pietro Frosini, Agnès alla fisarmonica

Foto: ©Binario95




I don’t want to identify myself with a Country, since I was born in Ivory Coast but I’ve lived in several European Countries. I feel stateless.
I’ve always been in love with the human being, I believe only if we are together and united we really are HUMAN BEINGS.
My idea is really simple: we need to listen each other.



Since I was a kid, music has been part of my life, but at a certain point I left it. Several years after, the pandemic hit, and I decided to start over with a new instrument. I had always been fascinated by the accordion, and I thought, why not? It was love at first sight.


"Bel viso” – by Pietro Frosini ©

Bel viso is a song that is usually played fast, it has different parts and when you finish playing it you are tired but satisfied. It made me think about Brunello's life. A life lived fast, which has been transformed until it reached calm.


Anziani , Lavoro , Storie di vita , Italia , Tabù

Ispirazione. Coraggio. Conoscenza.
Storie di persone da tutto il mondo sui temi identità, tabù e crisi.